Trade Secrets aren’t Bullet Proof but they are Very Good
Guilty South Korean company, Kolon admitted conspiring with two former DuPont employees between 2006 and 2009 to get access to information about how DuPont makes its Kevlar fibres.
Does Your Trademark Strategy Mind the Gap?
Transport for London just lost the first round in a fight with Gap Inc. over a recent trademark application that included sunglasses, bags, wallets and umbrellas! Anyone who has tr
How to Better Represent Your Brand
The Lights are On, but No One is Home! The Aga saga. Aga stores are closing around Britian, is this because the English love affair with this venerable cooker is over or just it ju
Deep Seeking is the Mother of Innovation
A start up spends a fraction of the big 4 tech giants and beats them at their own game. Stock markets plummet as investors realise the tech giants are not invincible! They say nece
AI Will Release Your Trade Secrets Like A Flood
AI will take your data and make sense of it, even before you have – ‘Minority Report’ vibes here! A good investment analyst a few years back was trying to do the same thi
Nintendo Launch is a Yawn. Trade Secrets Leaked.
‘Switched’! Careful release of selected information before your launch builds intrigue, but too much makes for a flop. Nintendo Switch 2 users have waited years for a proper up
Accountants Are Not Accounting for Your IP, But Investors Are.
There is no place in the accounts of any startup, where you can find the value of its intangible assets and intellectual property, that have been created by the business. There is
The Heart of Your Business: Protecting What Makes You Unique
Imagine pouring your heart and soul into building something special. The late nights, the unwavering dedication, the innovative spark that sets you apart – it’s all woven i