Former Partners Paying Lip Service To Trade Secrets End Up In Court
Partnership With Starbucks Loses Gloss Over Trade Secrets Loss Red Flag When Partner Refuses To Sign NDA ? Just who had the idea first? Coffee flavoured lipstick and lip gloss. Bal
Fake Football Shirts Fair Play or Foul Play?
Footie shirt for £80 or £15? Counterfeit football shirts are big business But for who? The football clubs charge a fortune to use their brand logo. The recent Adidas deal has the
Every Business Has Trade Secrets, Most Don’t Think They Have.
Every Business Has Trade Secrets, Most Don’t Think They Have. Trade Secrets We Don’t have Any Of Those It’s So Secret We Don’t Like To Talk About It It’s So Secret We
Insider Robbers Know Your Blind Spots Better Than You.
Most Bank Robberies Are Insider Jobs Most Trade Secret Robberies Are Insider Jobs. Trade Secrets Are Hidden In Plain Sight. What Are Your Trade Secret Blind Spots? Insiders know wh
IP Strategy Protects 80% Of The Value Of Your Business
80% Of The Value Of Any Business Is Now Intangible Protected By Intellectual Property. The IP Strategy Supports Competitive Advantage, Drives Growth, Maintains Cash Flows, Secures
First Ever Black African Tour de France Stage Winner.
First Ever Black African Tour de France Stage Winner
Naming is one of the most difficult things you’ll do, because big brands defend their name vigorously.
‘Naming is one of the most difficult things you’ll do, because big brands defend their name vigorously’. Michael Hobbs. CHOOSE CAREFULLY If you are a small, specialist nu
How will you respond when accused of trade secrets theft?
It is an unavoidable fact that trade secrets litigation is on the rise and also that relationships end in dispute. It is sensible to make some preparations.
How Important is IP Culture in M&A Due Diligence?
The best M&A Due Diligence includes a thorough assessment of the organisation’s intellectual property management, strategy and culture. Value at Risk Intellectual propert
The most valuable trade secret leaked – Google search algorithm
Well part of it. It is incredible how much value has been generated by the Google search algorithm since it was first coded in 1996. HOW DO YOU PROTECT IT?Clearly you do not want t