You’re Authentic? Really? Why No Registered Trademark?
Can you be authentic without a registered trademark? Not with Google, or Outlook, or Outlook, or Microsoft, or Amazon, or MailChimp……….etc. The blue tick (or chec
AI Will Release Your Trade Secrets Like A Flood
AI will take your data and make sense of it, even before you have – ‘Minority Report’ vibes here! A good investment analyst a few years back was trying to do the same thi
How Do You Prefer Your Secrets? Raided or Traded?
The most valuable IP in your business is highly likely to be your trade secrets. A stark reality faces you and that is if you are not actively managing these assets they are probab
Do Your Customers Treat Your Information and Trade Secrets With Care?
Was a cyber security weak spot for the US Department of Defence one of their suppliers?! Yes, they signed the NDA and had a long standing contract. But did they have the same proce
Insider Robbers Know Your Blind Spots Better Than You.
Most Bank Robberies Are Insider Jobs Most Trade Secret Robberies Are Insider Jobs. Trade Secrets Are Hidden In Plain Sight. What Are Your Trade Secret Blind Spots? Insiders know wh
What are you really protecting with cyber security?
What does your cyber security programme defend? The answer is stuff! Meaning all the valuable and critical data and processes, needed to run the business. If you break this down yo