The Best Businesses Know Their Value Drivers and Their Linkages To IP
What is it that drives value in your business? What differentiates your business? What enables you to retain higher margins? Do LVMH know how their to protect the luxury, exclusivi
Why A List of IP Is Important in M&A?
I am John Pryor, making IP accessible and valuable for your business. The Benefit of Hindsight UpfrontTM Innovation Without IP Is Charity IP Provides Defence From Unlicensed Offenc
Do Your Customers Treat Your Information and Trade Secrets With Care?
Was a cyber security weak spot for the US Department of Defence one of their suppliers?! Yes, they signed the NDA and had a long standing contract. But did they have the same proce
Former Partners Paying Lip Service To Trade Secrets End Up In Court
Partnership With Starbucks Loses Gloss Over Trade Secrets Loss Red Flag When Partner Refuses To Sign NDA ? Just who had the idea first? Coffee flavoured lipstick and lip gloss. Bal