Season’s Greetings
Season’s Greetings from Snozza the Dog
How strong is your weakest link?
Private images from your home shared by your robot vacuum cleaner! iRobot are not pleased with their image annotation service provider since the company or more likely a rogue empl
Obesity triples in one generation!
Obesity triples in one generation!
Why is Intellectual Property like having a Big Dog?
Why is Intellectual Property like having a Big Dog? It barks fort you
Patented love potions and snake oil?
I don’t think so Walking through the recently developed Kings Cross area of London yesterday I came across this old Victorian advert. ‘Patented love potions and snake oil. Inst
Patents in the world cup football?
It’s all kicking off No longer a bunch of plastic shapes stitched and glued together this year’s FIFA World Cup football is a technological powerhouse as well Using technology
Swift and painful intellectual property lessons
This is where contract law, copyright and business intellectual property work closely together,
‘Everyone uses opensource it’s fine’
If the product/service at the core of the company is built on too much opensource, the company may not actually be in a position to claim ownership of core business intellectual pr
Festive tree time – here’s mine
Rare we get a decent fall of snow these last few years so you have to take the chance when you can and get out and about. Great to see the kids out sledging and snowballing like we
Switzerland to ban EVs to save energy!
Switzerland to ban EVs to save energy! Just as Delhi considers banning petrol and diesel cars to reduce pollution and the UK opens a new coalmine! Not a good example of joined up