Degree value for money?
In what other walk of life would you pay full price for less than half the service? My daughter received her degree result yesterday and thankfully she achieved a brilliant grade,
What if someone steals your trademark?
How do you respond if someone steals your trademark? A client of mine found his website and company name had been copied by a competitor.Clients were confused and business was leak
Why is salary more important in hot weather?
In this very hot weather yes drink water but also do not neglect salt or electrolytes. The Romans knew soldiers could not march for miles or fight without salt. The Ancient Ro
Patents only last 20 years, so what?
The life of a patent is 20 years. This is great if it gives you sufficient time to make a return on your investment. Some innovations take a while before it is their &#
Something for your head sir?
Barbers are being trained to identify signs of mental health problems and help prevent suicide by recommending direct support. Suicide touches many lives and has recentl
Why search before choosing a brand name?
A thorough search online is important before you decide upon your new brand name. It is easy to get carried away with the energy of the brand creation process hoping that it
How much of your IP is leaking away ?
The thing about IP is that it leaks very easily – think about ice on a hot day. What steps are you taking to reduce IP leakage? Contracts with employees, customers, suppliers
Preventing suicide one haircut at a time
Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 50. It touches all of us eventually in someway leaving those close to wonder what could I have done differently? Tom Chapman is
Is IP law different overseas?
22 years ago a business man registered the Manolo Blahnik trademark in China and it has taken the business 22 years to win it back! (Manolo Blahnik is a Spanish shoe
Can I Trademark a Colour ?
Yes and No! To some Cadbury did indeed hit a purple patch earlier in the month when they secured the colour purple for their chocolate bars.The High Court allowed Cadbury to