Alpha dog on your side or Wolfpack on your trail?
Start-Up Intellectual Property can be either.
Get your start up business intellectual property right and it will bark for you, and send warning that you have your intellectual property sorted.
Leave intellectual property too late in your success and you will make it easy for the poachers, copycats and intellectual property wolves to feast on your unprotected assets.
In start-up world the time is now to assess what business intellectual property you will need on your journey and to plan when and how to bring it on board. Too early and it can be an unnecessary expense, too late and it can be very time and £ $ € consuming to set right.
The business intellectual property plan is worth preparing early, at the very least it will be something you can share with investors as to how you are building and protecting your moat. At best it will provide you with a road map to manage with as your business develops through the twists an turns of your success.
Too many UK start-ups fall over when it comes to intellectual property because they do not understand how it can support business growth. Often they do not understand the different asset types and how they can be used to enhance business value. Ironically education is probably the most important step any start-up business can undertake when it comes to business intellectual property!
Don’t be caught by the wolfpack, instead get a dog that barks so you don’t have to!

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